Kinto is a Belgian eyewear brand established by Celso Viejo in 1978, in his workshop in Brussels. Through the decades, the independent brand has evolved while remaining true to its original values: ergonomics, easy-to-wear and precise attention to detail.
If the first pairs of glasses were designed by Celso Viejo, soon other skilled designers joined the Kinto project. Today, we keep training our creative talents ourselves and work in a small team to ensure that all the models faithfully represent the identity of the brand. Céline Onssels, Justin Veronesi and Pauline Capdo are designing the current models. They are supported by Johanna Viejo, who took over from her father in 2011.
From hand drawing to the finishing touches, we carry out the 300 production stages ourselves and design our eyewear in our own factory. The independence allows us to be more responsive and spontaneous:
This kind of organisation also grants our designers to have enough time to work together on designing new models. Shapes, colours, materials: all the revelant decisions are made as a team. Our hallmark is removing anything superfluous from the glasses and focusing on the details that make the difference.
As well as the variety of shapes, each of our models comes in up to eight different colours. So there’s a Kinto style for every visage.
Ergonomics is also a key factor: the glasses have to be light and easy to wear. In a sector in which technology advances at such a fast pace, we always bear in mind that every detail counts. Each pair of glasses has, for example, a system of interchangeable flex hinges. This technology allows for the frames to be repaired directly at the optician, with no waiting time.
At a time when manufacturers are more and more inclined to exclude the middlemen with the aim of increasing fast sales and cutting costs, we’ve chosen to work as closely as possible with specialists.
The opticians play a key role for you, as well: they are the specialists who will offer the best guidance. Your frames should be chosen with care, and the advice of experienced professionals will be very valuable in achieving a result that meets your needs. When you buy glasses, place your trust in the people who know most about them!
Designing glasses is an ever growing experience. Our expertise is developing with the help of our customers and monitoring trends.
Working in cooperation with opticians enables us to understand your needs. And having our own designers and our own factory gives us the conditions we need to ensure your needs are fulfilled.
In a context of consumer monopoly, Kinto stands out as the next alternative: autonomous and limitless creative freedom that enables us to make sure you, first and foremost, are completely satisfied.